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Errata for DocBook XSL: The Complete Guide
Third Edition


  • In Chapter 6, HTML output options, section titled "Fast chunking", the description of how to use fast chunking is not correct. Instead of just setting the parameter to 1, you must use the chunkfast.xsl stylesheet instead of the chunk.xsl stylesheet to process your document.
  • In Chapter 10, Title page customization, section titled "Add to customization layer", the <xsl:include> should be replaced with an <xsl:import>.
  • In Chapter 10, Title page customization, section titled "Modify individual element templates", the first example should include this line after the affiliation:
    <xsl:apply-templates mode="titlepage.mode" select="./email"/>
  • In Chapter 11, HTML customizations, section titled "HTML Head elements", the table refers to user.system.content while the text uses the correct user.head.content for the name of the template.
  • In Chapter 11, HTML customizations, section titled "Inserting a CVS identifier", the first example should use a releaseinfo element rather than a revisioninfo element.
  • In Chapter 14, Cross references, section titled "Using 'select:'", in the example in the sixth bullet item, the <l:context> element is missing its ending tag.
  • In Chapter 17, Graphics, section titled "Image sizing", in the third bullet about guidance, the attribute name contentheight should be replaced with contentdepth.
  • In Chapter 18, Indexes, section titled "Formatting print indexes", the names of some parameters are not correct. Where it says index.column.count, it should be column.count.index. Where it says, it should say
  • In Chapter 22, Modular DocBook files, section "Using XInclude", the first example has a <para> element as a direct child of the <book> element, which is not valid.
  • In Chapter 22, Modular DocBook files, section "Adding XInclude to the DTD", the DTD for XIncludes is out of date. The correct DTD is:
  • <!ELEMENT xi:include (xi:fallback?)>
    <!ATTLIST xi:include
    xmlns:xi CDATA #FIXED ""
    parse (xml|text) "xml"
    xpointer CDATA #IMPLIED
    encoding CDATA #IMPLIED
    accept CDATA #IMPLIED
    accept-language CDATA #IMPLIED
    <!ELEMENT xi:fallback ANY>
    <!ATTLIST xi:fallback
    xmlns:xi CDATA #FIXED ""
  • In Chapter 24, Other output forms, section titled "HTML Help encoding", in the java command example, the line with "com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet" should appear after the line with "".