<!-- iso-amso.ent produced by Norman Walsh for the XML version of DocBook -->

<!-- Derived from the corresponding ISO 8879 standard entity set
     and the Unicode character mappings provided by Sebastian Rahtz -->

<!-- NOTE: leading & escaped with &#38; so these characters work
           with SGML parsers like Arbortext and nsgmls -->

<!ENTITY ang	"&#38;#x2220;"> <!-- ANGLE -->
<!ENTITY angmsd	"&#38;#x2221;"> <!-- MEASURED ANGLE -->
<!ENTITY beth	"&#38;#x2136;"> <!-- BET SYMBOL -->
<!ENTITY bprime	"&#38;#x2035;"> <!-- REVERSED PRIME -->
<!ENTITY comp	"&#38;#x2201;"> <!-- COMPLEMENT -->
<!ENTITY daleth	"&#38;#x2138;"> <!-- DALET SYMBOL -->
<!ENTITY ell	"&#38;#x2113;"> <!-- SCRIPT SMALL L -->
<!ENTITY empty	"&#38;#xE2D3;"> <!--  -->
<!ENTITY gimel	"&#38;#x2137;"> <!-- GIMEL SYMBOL -->
<!ENTITY image	"&#38;#x2111;"> <!-- BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL I -->
<!ENTITY inodot	"&#38;#x0131;"> <!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS I -->
<!--     jnodot	Unknown unicode character -->
<!ENTITY nexist	"&#38;#x2204;"> <!-- THERE DOES NOT EXIST -->
<!ENTITY oS	"&#38;#xE41D;"> <!--  -->
<!ENTITY planck	"&#38;#x210F;"> <!-- PLANCK CONSTANT OVER TWO PI -->
<!ENTITY real	"&#38;#x211C;"> <!-- BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL R -->
<!ENTITY sbsol	"&#38;#xFE68;"> <!-- SMALL REVERSE SOLIDUS -->
<!--     vprime	Unknown unicode character -->
<!ENTITY weierp	"&#38;#x2118;"> <!-- SCRIPT CAPITAL P -->