<!-- teispok2.ent:  written by OddDTD 1994-09-09              -->
<!-- 11:  Class declarations for Transcribed Speech           -->
<!-- Text Encoding Initiative: Guidelines for Electronic      -->
<!-- Text Encoding and Interchange. Document TEI P3, 1994.    -->
<!-- Copyright (c) 1994 ACH, ACL, ALLC. Permission to copy    -->
<!-- in any form is granted, provided this notice is          -->
<!-- included in all copies.                                  -->
<!-- These materials may not be altered; modifications to     -->
<!-- these DTDs should be performed as specified in the       -->
<!-- Guidelines in chapter "Modifying the TEI DTD."           -->
<!-- These materials subject to revision. Current versions    -->
<!-- are available from the Text Encoding Initiative.         -->
<!ENTITY % x.comp.spoken ''                                     >
<!ENTITY % m.comp.spoken '%x.comp.spoken %n.event; | 
           %n.kinesic; | %n.pause; | %n.shift; | %n.u; | 
           %n.vocal; | %n.writing;'                             >
<!ENTITY % a.timed '
          start              IDREF               #IMPLIED
          end                IDREF               #IMPLIED
          dur                CDATA               #IMPLIED'      >
<!ENTITY % mix.spoken '| %m.comp.spoken'                        >
<!-- (end of 11)                                              -->