<!-- teispok2.dtd:  written by OddDTD 1994-09-09              -->
<!-- 11:  Base tag set for Transcribed Speech                 -->
<!-- Text Encoding Initiative: Guidelines for Electronic      -->
<!-- Text Encoding and Interchange. Document TEI P3, 1994.    -->
<!-- Copyright (c) 1994 ACH, ACL, ALLC. Permission to copy    -->
<!-- in any form is granted, provided this notice is          -->
<!-- included in all copies.                                  -->
<!-- These materials may not be altered; modifications to     -->
<!-- these DTDs should be performed as specified in the       -->
<!-- Guidelines in chapter "Modifying the TEI DTD."           -->
<!-- These materials subject to revision. Current versions    -->
<!-- are available from the Text Encoding Initiative.         -->
<!-- 11.2.7:  Components of Transcribed Speech                -->
<![ %u; [
<!ELEMENT %n.u;         - -  ((%phrase | %m.comp.spoken)+)      >
<!ATTLIST %n.u;              %a.global;
          trans              (smooth | latching | overlap | 
                             pause)              smooth
          who                IDREF               %INHERITED
          TEIform            CDATA               'u'            >
<!ENTITY % pause 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %pause; [
<!ELEMENT %n.pause;     - O  EMPTY                              >
<!ATTLIST %n.pause;          %a.global;
          type               CDATA               #IMPLIED
          who                IDREF               #IMPLIED
          TEIform            CDATA               'pause'        >
<!ENTITY % vocal 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %vocal; [
<!ELEMENT %n.vocal;     - O  EMPTY                              >
<!ATTLIST %n.vocal;          %a.global;
          who                IDREF               %INHERITED
          iterated           (y | n | u)         n
          desc               CDATA               #IMPLIED
          TEIform            CDATA               'vocal'        >
<!ENTITY % kinesic 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %kinesic; [
<!ELEMENT %n.kinesic;   - O  EMPTY                              >
<!ATTLIST %n.kinesic;        %a.global;
          who                IDREF               %INHERITED
          iterated           (y | n | u)         n
          desc               CDATA               #IMPLIED
          TEIform            CDATA               'kinesic'      >
<!ENTITY % event 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %event; [
<!ELEMENT %n.event;     - O  EMPTY                              >
<!ATTLIST %n.event;          %a.global;
          who                IDREF               %INHERITED
          iterated           (y | n | u)         n
          desc               CDATA               #IMPLIED
          TEIform            CDATA               'event'        >
<!ENTITY % writing 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %writing; [
<!ELEMENT %n.writing;   - -  (%paraContent;)                    >
<!ATTLIST %n.writing;        %a.global;
          who                IDREF               %INHERITED
          type               CDATA               #IMPLIED
          script             IDREF               #IMPLIED
          gradual            (y | n | u)         #IMPLIED
          TEIform            CDATA               'writing'      >
<!ENTITY % shift 'INCLUDE' >
<![ %shift; [
<!ELEMENT %n.shift;     - O  EMPTY                              >
<!ATTLIST %n.shift;          %a.global;
          who                IDREF               #IMPLIED
          feature            (tempo | loud | pitch | tension | 
                             rhythm | voice)     #REQUIRED
          new                CDATA               normal
          TEIform            CDATA               'shift'        >
<!-- (end of 11.2.7)                                          -->
<!-- The base tag set for transcriptions of speech uses the   -->
<!-- standard default text-structure elements, which are      -->
<!-- embedded here:                                           -->
<![ %TEI.singleBase [
<!ENTITY % TEI.structure.dtd system 'teistr2.dtd'               >
<!-- (end of 11)                                              -->